Please attend the Library Board meeting tonight in the Morris J. Wosk Board Room, Central Library, February 25, 2009. Call Chrysalyn at 604-331-4003 to book a seat and confirm time. There is a previous event which may delay the start time of the meeting.
Welcome Tommy Tao, Heather Harrison, Parks/Citizen Representative Stuart McKinnon, Schoolboard/Citizen Representative Mike Lombardi and, of couse, Council Representative Tim Stevenson.
Public Libraries are more necessary than ever during an economic downturn. Our members will see statistics rise, workload increase and will know that we are meeting a real need. It is important that members meet our new board trustees. These are the folks who will be giving the library direction as funding becomes problematic. Educate yourselves about the future of library/public service directions. This is an opportunity to participate and strengthen and improve public service.