More information will be available as BTWW nears. Keep checking the website for updates. In the meantime, here are some resources to get you started:
- Visit the Vancouver Area Cycling Coalition’s (VACC) Cycling Tips web page for a list of good reasons to get on your bike and for tips on being visible and for riding safely on the road.
- Have a bike but think it needs some TLC? Have a look at the Bicycle Tutorwebsite for a wealth of useful information, including instructional videos, an exhaustive repair manual, and a bicycle help forum where you can post your own questions.
- Highly recommended for the novice and experienced rider alike, the VACC is offering a number of sessions of their Streetwise Cycling course in the weeks leading up to and following BTWW. Have a look and see if there’s one in your neighbourhood.
- Not sure what route to take? Have a look at the VACC’s Bike Routes web page.
- For some online tips and rules of the road, check out Bike Sense – the British Columbia bicycle operator’s manual.
If you have any questions about cycling to work or for pleasure, please contact your Pedal Pushers committee. Use the link on the right to navigate to our internal wiki and find our email contact address. Happy cycling!