Yoga for Menopause

Menopause signals a passage into the “wisdom years”. The physical, biochemical and emotional changes that occur during this transition, which can begin as early as a woman’s late thirties, are only now being understood. This period in a woman’s life has the potential for creating one of the most rewarding and creative times of her life. However, if not understood, it can also contribute to health concerns such as depression and chronic illness.

Yoga is a an ancient science of health and well being for the body, mind and emotions. According to yogic philosophy, the human being is made of several layers or “koshas” from the physical to the subtle. There are five koshas representing the physical systems, energy systems pyscho-emotional patterns, wisdom and intuition and our true inner self .

The changes that occur during menopause are reflected in these “koshas”. While there are well known physical symptoms, it is the changes in the more subtle layers that may take some women by surprise and can have a negative affect on her health. This is a time when the wounded egos of childhood offer an invitation for healing- an invitation that may not seem like much of a party to start with, but can finally allow a woman to let go of the past in order to reinvent herself and have the healthy mind and body that will serve her for the remainder of her years. And there is no pill that can do this for her.

The philosophy at OHMYoga Wellness is that menopause is a natural transition which impacts a woman’s’ being and not just her body.  In her book The Age of Miracles, Marianne Williamson writes “Midlife is not a crisis; it’s a time of rebirth It’s not a time to accept your death; it’s a time to accept your life- and to finally, truly live it, as you and you alone know deep in your heart it was meant to be lived”.

You have a choice. You can chose to balance the knowledge of medical science with holistic practices such yoga, meditation, journal writing and nutrition to help ensure a better quality of life in your later years- or you can become a pawn of the medicalization of this most natural transition.