As you may or may not already be aware, the job description for the two new public services roles, and a revised branch LA III position, have been released on the HUB. These have been valued as follows:
Public Service Associate 1 = LA II
Public Service Associate 2 = LA III
Senior Public Service Associate = Lib Tech II
The Union disagrees with the evaluations of the PSA 1 and PSA 2, because we believe the additional tasks, most of which are related to information service, amongst other reasons, should be compensated at a higher pay grade,
The Union has made our assessments and opinions known through our initial feedback of the job descriptions in draft form, and since the City of Vancouver Compensation and Benefits department returned their decision about how they should be compensated.
The Union has access to a Classification Review and Dispute Process to challenge the decision from Compensation and Benefits (please refer to 15.4 and Schedule “G” of the Collective Agreement). We have already begun the process, and intend to pursue it to conclusion, or until we are satisfied that these position will be paid appropriately.
If you have any questions or concerns related to these positions, and/or the Branch Staffing Model and implementation, please send your comments to, or call the office at 604-322-4879.
In solidarity,