Sisters in Spirit Vigils: a movement for social change
October 4th is a day of vigils honouring the lives of Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls across Canada; as such, we started today’s convention proceedings with a multimedia performance by dancers Jade Brown and Amanda Gould and attended a moving vigil during the lunch break. Powerful and emotional reminders of the national human rights crisis we are experiencing.
Yes, it was election day here at Convention! We had nominations from the floor for a few positions, and the results are as follows:
President – Mark Hancock
National Secretary-Treasurer – Charles Fleury
The rest to follow – not all results were in by end of day…
Having passed a possible record-breaking number of resolutions yesterday, business continued throughout the day. A resolution asking National to review the trial process brought some passionate arguments out, and ultimately it was referred back to the committee for further consideration. We (your Local 391 delegates) spoke to our Resolution 217: promoting full service and fully staffed libraries – see statement here. Your president also spoke to Resolution 293: awareness and education around precarious work – in particular making room at the local level for precarious workers on bargaining committees.
Thank you all for your support in sending delegates to this important convention.
Your fellow member in solidarity,