General Meeting: information about Superannuation Enrolment Process AND Aliza Nevarie’s Art Show

Event:  CUPE 391 General Meeting
When:  January 17, 6.00 p.m.
Where: Renfrew Library (2969 East 22nd Avenue)

Municipal Pension Plan
Further to the meeting items posted on the blog yesterday, we will be discussing the ramifications of CUPE 15’s award for the Superannuation Enrolment Process.  This refers to the period of time the City of Vancouver failed to notify part-time and auxiliary employees of their eligibility to enroll in the Municipal Pension Plan and to enroll retroactively.  The Award basically tells the City to go back and pay up Employer portion for those employees who should have had an opportunity to enroll in the MPP.

Make no mistake: this is a good plan.  The MPP is a Defined Benefit plan which offers more coverage than a Defined Contribution Plan.  If you have ten years in the DB plan, you will be able to receive medical and dental when you retire, COLA, no-risk investment planning and guaranteed retirement income.

COV Human Resources has recently contacted CUPE 391 members re: retroactive enrolment in the municipal pension plan.  There are two categories identified at VPL.
1. People were offered the opportunity to enrol in the pension plan or decline.  This group did not respond and were automatically enrolled at later date. (February 16, 2006).  These people are being offered the opportunity again.  By simply applying, the COV will be invoiced for the employer’s portion and you will be credited with one-half of the pensionable service that you should have earned in the arrears period. 

The Pension Corporation will provide you with a Statement of Cost for the employee’s portion of the arrears.  If you choose not to apply for the arrears at that time, you must reapply to purchase your service within the next five years or before you terminate your employment – whichever comes first.

2.People were offered the opportunity to enroll in the pension plan or decline.This group did respond and were automatically enrolled but did not indicate an interest in applying for retroactive pensionable years.  You are now being provided with another opportunity to enroll in the pension plan retroactive to your eligibility date.
The Pension Corporation will provide you with a Statement of Cost for the employee’s portion of the arrears.  If you choose not to apply for the arrears at that time, you must reapply to purchase your service within the next five years or before you terminate your employment – whichever comes first.  If you choose not to purchase your share of arrears in the aforementioned timelines, you will not be credited with the additional pensionable service.

Unless you return the completed Waiver of Pension Coverage form by February 14, 2008, a purchase of service form will be forwarded to the Pension Corporation on your behalf (option 1)  Unless you have won the lottery or are rich beyond your needs, I recommend you do NOT sign the waiver.  In the interests of healing Employer-employee relations I will not comment on the choice of expressions “this group did not respond” and “but did not indicate an interest in applying for retroactive pensionable years”.  I heal all that I reproduce.

I have a list of six people in category 1 and twelve people in category 2 who are eligible for applying for retro pensionable years.  That seems a little low.  CUPE 15 has literally hundreds of eligible folks.  Thanks again to he who shall be nameless for bringing this to our attention.  Come to the meeting if you have any questions.

Employment Checks Arbitration Award
CUPE 15 is still wrestling with some of the record checks; some will have to get checks; a larger percentage will not.  The Union and our lawyer will be meeting with the Employer and their counsel very soon to discuss what affect this award might have on determining who gets record checks at VPL.  There is some indication that some of the record checks will not apply to our type of work.  I can’t make a determination, of course, but will pass on what we know.  Do not rush out and get an employment check before January 31st.  We will be meeting with the Employer and discussing that matter beforehand.  We will immediately let you know if there are any changes.  Come to the meeting and find out what we know.

Aliza Nevarie – Artist-at-Large
After the Renfrew General Meeting, join us in celebrating the opening of Aliza Nevarie’s show at Flower Factory!  Aliza is a Member-at-large, circulation assistant, par excellence and, now, revealed as a wonderful artist.  I had the honour of viewing Aliza’s work.  It is dynamic, yet delightful and unexpected, much like Aliza herself. She is also a first-rate technician. Please come and help us celebrate our mem ber’s work.

We build knowledge, strength and creativity in our local by attending meetings and supporting our members in their endevours.  Aliza’s show is at:

Event:  Aliza Nevarie, Art Exhibit

When:  January 17, 8.00 p.m. (right after Renfrew General Meeting) until February 19, 2008
Where: Flower Factory, 3604 Main Street (near Main and 20th Avenue)