On September 27th, 2006, Laura Safarian and Alex Youngberg presented two reports to the Library Board. Laura gave an overview of the report and survey, and handed out copies to Board members. Alex read out her report on Code of Conduct and Employment checks and also gave the Board copies. All three items are on the main website at http://cupe391.ca/index.php/Resources/surveys_and_reports/.
Laura Safarian, Lis Nygaard and Aliza Nevarie compiled and coalated the results of the information from the Workload Survey that was given to members earlier this year. This entailed many hours of work from these member. The results of their hard work and the members answers reveal unsettling commentary about an organization’s failure to fully communicate the extent and intent of planning proposals with staff and a lack of interest in dealing with the fallout from attendent workload issues.
Alex’s report to the Board outlines the mayor’s proposed Code of Conduct and the implications that implementing a similar version will have on members wishing to engage Management in dialogue regarding such issues as the effects of increased workload. The report also discusses the unnecessarily natureintrusive of the proposed “Employment checks” on members which are more suited to somone applying for work in Federal maximum security prison.
Alex asked if the Board wished to propose a motion for a standalone “Whistleblower’s Policy to protect members freedom of speech. They are resisting this temptation so far but asked several questions.