This is a do or die situation for the Bindery. If we don’t get a positive vote from the Board, the Bindery folk and their jobs are gone forever. There will be no rethinking of the situation. That will be 5.8 jobs on May 30th that are no longer part of CUPE 391. Because the Bindery work is so enmeshed in Technical Services workflow, the tech services will be under the microscope next. More members jobs. Think about it. It will get easier and easier to contact out our work. The corporate agenda will be driving public service, not the public.
Write your supervisor now and get permission to attend the Board meeting. Have a holiday – go to the Board meeting. Get a date with a family, friend or acquaintance – take them to the Board meeting. Phone 604-331-4003 or 604-331-4000 to book a seat or to talk to the Board.
There are only 50 people signed up so far. That looks like apathy to me. I don’t care how we get to that meeting, but let’s get there.
Show your solidarity for a fellow member – book a seat now
in solidarity