Have you clicked on the Fairness for Civic Workers campaign yet and sent the mayor and council a message? CUPE 391 is part of this campaign. We are less than enchanted with the indifference to local issues displayed by the GVRD at the bargaining table. Visit the action website at www.fairnessforcivicworkers.ca
website and get informed.
To avert job action, Lower Mainland civic workers (12,00 of them) have launched a public campaign to called “Fairness for civic workers” that DEPENDS ON YOU taking action now to put pressure on your local municipal politicians to:
- Remove all proposed concessions from the table
- Return to the bargaining table with the intent to make progress
- Respect civic workers and the vital services they provide negotiating fair contracts
Taking action is as easy as 1-2-3
- Visit http://www.fairnessforcivicworkers.ca/
- Click on the flag of the municpality in which you reside and TAKE ACTION NOW!
- Press SEND
As always, the success of bargaining depends on your support. Please visit the website and take action now. Let your family and friends show their appreciation for the vital public services we provide. Tell them how they can show their support through visiting www.fairnessforcivicworkers.ca, clicking their community’s flag and letting their mayor and council know how much they love public service.
This juicy article in the Courier on the City Manager’s wage increase will do your heart good. I wish I had known what was in the City’s coffers before we asked for such a small increase. The link was on the www.fairnessforcivicworkers.ca website. See http://www.vancourier.com/issues07/054207/news/054207nn4.html
We will be sending buttons with the Vancouver municipal flag to each worksite tomorrow. The buttons are tied to the Fairness for Civic Workers campaign and feature our CUPE 391 logo. Be proud to wear the flag of your community. Support your local.