Hi folks,
I apologize for the lateness and quickness of this blog. I had a lovely one drafted last night, but it disappeared before I could publish it! I just didn’t have the heart after that. Nonetheless, I am back this morning to write another, briefer message.
As a member of the bargaining committee, I can’t tell you how upsetting it is, after five days of nail bitting in a hotel room, to come back to the members still walking the line. But, there you all are, shaking off the disappointment and even more resolute than before. We are all ready to fight the good fight. Nonetheless, I’m sure you all have a lot of questions. Our National Representative Jim Gorman is currently drafting a blog that we hope will capture your queries. Hopefully this will be forthcoming this evening or tomorrow.
In the meantime, while we wait for the employer to come back to the table in good faith, there are a few things the bargaining committee and strike action committee are working on.
-handouts for the public
-coalition building
-the planning of a 391 rally
There is a coalition building committee who have been active so far in letters to council and so on. Details on how individual members can get involved will be forthcoming.
As for the rally, the tentative date is this Friday, and the job action committee is looking for brilliant plans for activities from the members. please see your picket captain for ways in which you can contribute or to pass your ideas along.
Sometime later this morning we can expect a guest speaker at the Central picket lines. Terry Glavin, a former labour writer for thew Vancouver Sun and a published author, will giving the troops his support and point of view. Thanks Terry.
Also, get ready to welcome the Raging Grannies to the Central picket lines Thursday around noon for a couple of songs. Those ladies sure know how to show us how they mean it!
Important : If you are looking to make a VESP withdrawal before the end of the month, the deadline is tomorrow, the 15th of August. Make sure you deliver your completed form before 4pm tomorrow to the Central picket registration desk.
I don’t need to say that this whole situation is new to all of us. Please continue to send notes or comments to the bargaining committee. We appreciate the feedback.
Keep strong.