Job Action Update #15

Job Action Committee meeting this Thursday
There will be a meeting for picket captains, runners, registrars and anyone wanting to be involved in job action planning, this Thursday (August 23). Location is the union office (545 West 10th Avenue). The meeting will be from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. New members are always welcome.

Suggestions always heard
If you have a suggestion about picket duty or job action, please write them down and give to your picket captain. The more details you provide, the easier it is to enact your suggestion.

Reduce rubbish on the line
Please try to reduce the amount of garbage on the line. There is no recycling available at most locations � please take it home.

Reminder to picket with a partner. Also, VPL security is available during the strike at 604-331-4060.

Employee Assistance Program
EAP is operating during the strike. If you need to dialogue with a counsellor, please call EAP at 604-665-2150.

Flying Bicycle Pickets
The first day was a success, so the bikes will be flying from Britannia again on Wednesday at 9 a.m.