Champlain Heights branch will have pickets up from 9am to 1pm Monday to Thursday this week.
Central is in need of more evening picketers from Monday to Thursday. Please consider taking one night shift during your week.
Reminder: please picket safely. Have a partner with you at all times. VPL Security is available in problem situations or for First Aid needs.
Continue to Picket with Pizzazz. A good picket shift balances walking, taking time at one of the desks, engaging with both the public and coworkers, getting some petitions signed, and taking breaks when needed. Many thanks to everyone for picketing with gusto!
Lost and found: the following items are at Central’s lost and found. Please claim and take home, as space in the van is limited.
* New white umbrella
* 3D puzzle of Victorian-era row houses
* 1000 piece puzzle of beach scene
* Tea towel
* 2 pairs of sunglasses
* Pair of binoculars in black leather case
* Gameboy Advance SP charger
* Tapestry magazine stand
* Filthy keyboard
* Cross-stitched needlepoint, framed, reading “I Love My Job”
* Rust-coloured velour cushion
* Long beige cardigan
* Green hoody