Support Move Up workers against BCNU – Join the picket line tomorrow, Friday, September 2nd!

Tomorrow CUPE BC will be picketing in support of members from MoveUp involved in a labour dispute with their employer, the BC Nurses Union. Unfortunately, this employer, also a Union, has taken an indefensible position in this fight. As members, we all need to show our support our fellows in MoveUp.

If you are interested in coming down to Burnaby to show your support you are most welcome. Here are the details:

The CUPE BC Community Events Trailer will be at the MoveUp picket line at the BCNU headquarters on Friday September 2nd from 11:30ish to 1:30ish. CUPE BC will be serving hamburgers etc. to those on the picket line and supporters of the picketers on site. Brother Faoro, President, will be bringing greetings from CUPE BC, and a few other speakers are anticipated.

The address is 4060 Regent Street, Burnaby.

To insure they have enough food, they would like a head count if possible. Please let me know before the end of today if you are planning to attend. If not, you are welcome regardless.

In solidarity,