Cohorts, RPT recalls, EI and CERB

Dear members,

We know that many of you have questions as to how a recall to your RPT hours and/or to the auxiliary list will affect your access to EI or other supports. We are working on getting clarity as best as we can and as always, will update you as we learn more.
CUPE National has updated information here:
I must stress again, while understanding that this is an unsatisfactory message, the importance of you speaking with a Services Canada representative directly. We can give only general information as individual circumstances factor into eligibility and the union is not included directly in the decisions of representatives in determining government benefits entitlements.
We also have been receiving questions regarding the change in cohorts. Please keep in mind that the intention of the LOU and subsequent processes is for the eventual return of everyone to their pre-covid positions/hours. The process of assigning RPT hours is meant to take into account the schedule and location of owned shifts – identifying at least one shift you own (where possible) and then building a schedule from there. We are aware, and have communicated to the employer, that there is continued need for flexibility and recognition that individuals may have circumstances where an exception to the process is required.
If you have been placed in a new cohort that does not work for you, please contact HR to discuss.
If you require an accommodation, or have one in place already, again contact HR to ensure your needs are met.
The union is here to support you through these processes – if you are encountering difficulties please email and we will respond as soon as possible.
In solidarity,