How do I log in to my CUPE 391 email?
CUPE 391 no longer supplies email addresses. Please supply us with an email address that you can use to receive union emails. Send it to info@cupe391.ca
Being a Union Member
What is a union and why are they important?
How do I keep up to date with CUPE 391?
Collective Agreement
What happens when our collective agreement has expired?
Our contract with the employer (the Collective Agreement) expired at the end of 2024. This is normal for unionized workers since contract negotiations can take many months and don’t usually start until a contract is expiring or has already expired. The terms and conditions of employment in our expired 2022-2024 Collective Agreement continue to apply until we have ratified a new one
Shop Steward
How can I find out who my Shop Steward is?
What are the duties of a Shop Steward at VPL?
Part-time and Auxiliary
How is the work week calculated for part-time and auxiliary?
How do I get booked for auxiliary shifts?
Performance Appraisals
What do I do if I don’t agree with my performance appraisal?
Long Term Disability
LTD Fact Sheet
General LTD Procedures – revised August 2006