CUPE BC Division Updates: Virtual Resources, Tech Support & Surveys


Dear members,

Please see the following updates:


Stratagem Virtual Conference:  July 1st-31st, 2020

Stratagem is an annual conference and digital resource hub dedicated to diversity and inclusion engagement. This year’s virtual conference features 30+ educational sessions (webinars, workshops, panel sessions, etc.) on topics like identity, culture, resistance, healing, and allyship.  For schedule and registration details, please visit the conference website (click here).

Accessibility Note: Stratagem is offering free content streaming access  to marginalized communities living and sheltering together, including but not limited to senior care homes, foster care homes, shelters and hospitals​. Please email to inquire further.

Feminists Deliver Virtual Panel: Confronting Anti-Black Racism in Canada – Monday, June 8th (4:00-6:00pm) *Today*

As part of their “Resistance and Resurgence” series, Feminists Deliver is offering a free public panel today to examine and address the ongoing history of anti-black violence in the US and in Canada.

To register and learn more about this panel event, please click here.

Feminists Deliver is a grassroots collaboration of BC-based self-identified women, girls, and supporting organizations that have come together on account of the international 2019 Women Deliver Conference in Vancouver.

Labor Notes Resources: Organizing in a Pandemic

Labor Notes is an international media and organizing project dedicated to promoting grassroots unionism and facilitating connections among rank-and-file members, local union leaders, and labor activists.

Please view their list of online events and other organizing resources by clicking here.  For articles, organizing tips, and the latest COVID-19 coverage in the US, please also subscribe to the Labor Notes email list (click here).


TechSoup Canada: Technology Donation Program

TechSoup Canada is a nonprofit connecting charities, nonprofits and libraries to donated and discounted software, such as Microsoft Office, Adobe Acrobat, Bitdefender Antivirus, and more.

Membership is free for charities and nonprofits. For more information about the TechSoup Canada Technology Donation program and options for your workplace, click here.

Canada Revenue Agency: Work-space-in-the-home expenses

If you have been working from home and have needed to purchase equipment or other infrastructure for remote work, you may be eligible for a tax benefit when you file your 2020 tax returns next year.  Please visit the CRA’s website (click here) for additional information.


Canadian Apprenticeship Forum – Apprentices in Canada ePanel

The Canadian Apprenticeship Forum (CAF-FCA) has launched a nation-wide survey to better understand the unique challenges apprentices and journeypersons are facing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.  To join the survey group and provide feedback, please visit the CAF-FCA website (click here).

Should you have any questions regarding this update, please email for additional information.

In solidarity,

Paul Faoro, President

Trevor Davies, Secretary-Treasurer

CUPE British Columbia

#410-6222 Willingdon Avenue

Burnaby, British Columbia

V5H 0G3

P: 604.291.9119