International Day Against Homophobia

Vancouver Public Library’s organization and its CUPE Local 391 members publicly and personally support the International Day Against Homophobia through our policies, Collective Agreement and Pride activism.

My grandfather’s cousin, Charlotte Whitton, was mayor of Ottawa in the 1950’s and 60’s.  She live openly with her life partner, a rather retiring woman, until her death.  My family’s take on Charlotte “at least she’s not a mormon, like Aggie”.  Agnes McPhail was my grandmother’s cousin.  She was the first woman Member of Parliament.  My family has never been too hung up on what your sex was; the really important thing was – are you a Scottish Presbyterian?

Over the years and many gay and lesbian, Lutherans, Roman Catholics, Romanian Orthodox relatives later, my family is finally becoming educated about Human Rights and dignity beyond the confines of the Ottawa Valley.

This year the theme for the International Day against Homophobia is education.  Please have a look at the website for the campaign today.

Also, see the Declaration of Montreal – the LBGT Bill of human rights developed at the first World Outgames.

Visit the Social Sciences section in your branch

Join a parade.  Check Ross Bliss’s emails for further information about the Pride parade on BC Day.  CUPE 391’s theme celebrates diversity – the Village People