Picket locations for the week
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, pickets will be set up at the branches from 9 am to 5 pm. Branches with pickets are BRI, COL, MPL on the eastside, and JFS, KIT, KER on the westside.
Central has pickets Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 7 am to 8 pm, on Friday and Saturday 7 am to 5 pm and Sunday 12 noon to 4 pm.
* People are asked sign up in advance to ensure coverage.
* Members are asked to take at least one shift per week at a branch.
* Clear the picket line at the end of the day.
* Do not forget to take all your belongings with you when you sign out at the end of your shift.
* Watch your belongings. Keep your knapsack, valuables, etc. with you while you are on the line. Ask someone to watch your belongings if you temporarily leave the line.
Picket Picnic Potluck! (the good 3 Ps!)
There will be a communal picnic at Central on Thursday August 9th from 11ish to 3ish. Please bring food to share. The union will provide some snacks too.
Earplugs coming to MPL and COL
Due to the noise, earplugs will be provided to picketers at MPL and COL. It is important to maintain the lines at these locations as they are extremely visible to the community.
Solidarity Visits
Picket Captains are asked to keep a record of who comes in solidarity to our picket lines. Jack Layton, the Solidarity Notes singers and CUPE local 1936 are the most recent visitors.
Friday Pay
Note you will receive a pay cheque from VPL this Friday August 10th, covering Friday July 20 to Wednesday July 25.