Food, fotos, and forgetfulness

Word on the Feast: Friday’s Thanksgiving feast will be a pot-luck!  Entrées will be provided (chicken for the carnivores; samosas for the vegivores) along with juices, plates & utensils. YOU provide the rest.  Anything with a thanksgiving/harvest/autumn theme would be perfect. But chips-all-dressed would be fine, too. Please bring whatever you can, enough for you and a few other people.

A selection of pictures from Word on the Strike has been added to the 391 strike photos section. There’s also a selection from both Word on the Street and Word on the Strike at Todd Wong’s flickr site.  While you’re looking, check out the bike strikers photos on Anita Chan’s site, and the artsy noir-blanc version of the strike at Anne & James’ site.

Lost-and-found reminder: if you’ve lost any items on the picket line, there is a lost-and-found box at Central.  Check at the registration desk, or phone 778-840-0314.