Updates and more about our great membership

First of all, note that the media blackout is continuing!

Friday’s events
This Friday (payday) at Central, the theme is Greek food. Please bring rice if you can, and we would be especially grateful for spanikopita if anyone can make some! As always, please bring your own utensils.

There will also be another clothing swap! If you can’t bring anything to swap but see something you’d like to take home, donations to the Hardship Fund will be accepted.

And of course paycheques will be at Central too, from 10-2.

If you’re picketing at BRI on Friday, bring along a bowl & a fork for baked potatoes.

Notes from the lines
D’Arcy wanted me to pass along that he was “blown away” by today’s spaghetti and home-made meatball feast at Kitsilano. The Kits folks have been having amazing feasts every week (usually on Tuesdays), and feeding the hungry bike strike brigade too. Thank you to the good folks at Kits for their hospitality!

Please continue to send me your info about special events and news from your picket sites. I know there’s a lot worth sharing. For instance, today at Britannia two separate groups gave us home-made soup, a worker from a nearby centre brought us cookies, someone else provided a propane heater, and another worker offered us a tarp. We are so grateful to these kind and thoughtful people and their organisations for supporting us.

Picket Captain/Job Action Committee Meeting tomorrow
The regular meeting will be held at the Union office from 9-11. All picket captains and everyone else interested in helping out with the job action is welcome. See you there!
